Only 82 Alien Species?

You will be glad to know that out of the supposed 82 alien species (not including us), more than half are human(ish) … and most of those have good intentions towards us. Isn’t that nice? We won’t talk about the ones out of that group that would be happy to cause us harm.

That’s all according to Craig Campobasso’s 2021 book: The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac – The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids and Nordics. It’s actually a very interesting read. I stumbled on it recently while googling for some sort of consolidated list of types of aliens – or at least what the general consensus was on types. It’s available on Amazon but also Barnes & Noble. Our nearby B&N actually had one on the shelf (yet they won’t put my book about Mars in that same section?? … I’m not bitter) so I actually picked up a physical copy as I much prefer those over eBook.  I will put a link to it in my Library – Author section in a blurb about Campobasso.

**thought bubble:   Are they Grays or Greys?

I’m not sure where or how Campobasso got his list and decided that was definitive, but I believe it to be a genuine attempt to catalog the various species of aliens including what types of ships they have, what their belief system is and other details that were available for some.  However, I also believe he may have left one or more out of the book – unintentionally, I’m sure. Sasquatch/Bigfoot/Yeti are probably just an alien species that got trapped here and are trying to find a secure portal to take them back to their ships. You might find them in the wilderness if you are lucky but you won’t find them in Campobasso’s book.

You will also not read about anything so clever as the weird creatures in the Star Wars franchise. Most of which seem to always be found in a saloon or on a freighter traveling a light speed. However you will get details of bizarre animal and insectoid species and of course the greys (short, medium and tall) and reptilians (lots of varieties).

If you are wondering, you basically want to avoid the short greys and most of the reptilians because they believe in service to self and are part of the Orion Empire. Instead, if you are going to be abducted, try for a species that believes in the Cosmic Law of One and who is part of the Galacterian Alignment. They might still want some DNA from you but they’ll probably ask first.

Regardless, avoidance may not be possible anyway as apparently virtually every species has far superior abilities than we do and can make you do whatever they want – if they are into that sort of thing.

I’m sure you are all wondering ‘how can that guy have a clue about how many alien species there are?’ when none have been proven to exist. I briefly wondered the same thing. But then I realized, if I believe in any one of the aliens, then I might as well believe in them all. If you believe in ANYTHING at all that has not been proven, then you are just as correct to believe in everything in that category – for the time being. Basically what I’m saying is, if you have ever seen a UFO that you knew was not from this planet, then by default you believe in the 82 (or more) alien species.

I should point out that although there are only 82 species listed, there are millions, if not billions of inhabited planets according to Campobasso’s sources. We are just late to the game to only have one for us.

I’m sure some of you might be a bit afraid of some of the suggestions here but just know that the odds are in your favor. There seem to be a lot more Galacterian Alignment than Orion Empire (more good than bad).

I wonder if there are shirts for that…

Author: Bill Claman   4/11/2022      Blog #00005

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2 thoughts on “Only 82 Alien Species?”

  1. Well, I have an open mind on the subject of extraterrestrial life, but a little proof would go a long way to cement my belief in such beings.

    All of the world renowned alien experts point to ancient structures which they claim could only have been built by advanced races. These aliens sure have a thing for stone buildings. Why no super advanced tools or materials? Do you know how difficult it would be for modern builders to design, gather materials and erect a structure using engineering techniques from 10,000 years ago? I doubt they could do it, but apparently races that are technically thousands of years ahead of us had no problem at all.

    I remain very skeptical.

    1. I have often wondered about this as well and I suspect it’s one or both of these things: any metal objects or buildings created or left behind by the aliens deteriorated over time to basically nothing OR anything built or left behind that was metal was stolen and repurposed as soon as nobody was looking! There is no value in a block of stone you cannot lift by yourself.

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